Running 10 times Tracing based metrics are specified but tracing is not supported on this platform. To get those metrics from this test, you can run the test using tools/perf/run_benchmarks script. Ignoring warm-up run (-1 ms) Ignoring warm-up run (199.80000000074506 ms) Ignoring warm-up run (106.19999999925494 ms) Ignoring warm-up run (100.80000000074506 ms) Ignoring warm-up run (95 ms) 234.5 ms 96.40000000037253 ms 99.39999999850988 ms 98.5 ms 96.40000000037253 ms 112.80000000074506 ms 95.09999999962747 ms 95.69999999925494 ms 95 ms 95.80000000074506 ms Description: Measure time for painting Custom Highlights (emulates searching 'a' in a large text) Time: values 234.5, 96.40000000037253, 99.39999999850988, 98.5, 96.40000000037253, 112.80000000074506, 95.09999999962747, 95.69999999925494, 95, 95.80000000074506 ms avg 111.95999999996275 ms median 96.40000000037253 ms stdev 43.38118383716891 ms min 95 ms max 234.5 ms JS Heap: values 10000000, 10000000, 10000000, 10000000, 10000000, 10000000, 10000000, 10000000, 10000000, 10000000 bytes avg 10000000 bytes median 10000000 bytes stdev 0 bytes min 10000000 bytes max 10000000 bytes