- Chromium: switch to local branch associated with CL:
i=3916195; git switch $(rg '^\[branch |^\s*gerritissue =' .git/config | rg -B1 $i | rg -o '".*"' | tr -d \")
- Chromium: run profiler against the content_shell renderer process:
perf record -g -F 8000 --strict-freq --call-graph fp -p $({ pgrep -f 'content_shell --type=renderer'; pgrep -f -- '--first-renderer-process'; } | sort | uniq -u | tee /dev/stderr)
- Chromium: visualise profiling data:
o=Prof; pprof -http= -divide_by 8000 -no_browser out/$o/content_shell perf.data
- Chromium: run web tests by relative paths à la “copy test names”
( third_party/blink/web_tests; DISPLAY=:0 ../../../third_party/blink/tools/run_web_tests.py --no-show-results --debug --no-retry-failures external/wpt/... external/wpt/... ... )
- Chromium: [description goes here]
rsync -a --no-i-r --info=progress2 --exclude=/src/out/ ../.gclient{,_entries} ../src .